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weekly newsletter 24 02 25.pdf



At Beechwood, attendance plays an extremely important role for all of our pupils and staff. Our ambitious aim is for all pupils to achieve at least 96% attendance each week.

 See the table below for our comparison over the last couple of years.

Attendance Comparison




Target for 2024/2025

% Attendance




Throughout the year pupils can achieve different rewards for good attendance.

Here are some of the ways school rewards this:


Every week, during the key stage assemblies, each class finds out what their whole class attendance figure is. The class at the end of a week who achieve the highest attendance percentage will receive a whole class reward to enjoy together.

Pupils who manage 99% or above attendance each term will be invited to a celebration party at the start of the next term. We know as a school this can be very hard to achieve, however, many children, with the support of their parents/carers, do achieve this. The most recent celebration was a chocolate workshop at the beginning of the Summer term, for those children who achieved 99% or above during the Spring term. In September, children who achieved 99% or above in attendance and punctuality will join in a celebration, so watch this space as to what that will be. 

Attendance Thermometer

At the front of school there is an attendance thermometer.  Each class has their attendance shown on the thermometer. This is updated weekly by the attendance monitors - Jood and Sumaiia from year 6.

If you have any questions or concerns linked to your child's attendance, please contact Miss Hart or Mrs Major who will be willing to give advice, help and support.

As a school we would like to thank all of our parents and carers for their continued support with ensuring their children attend school each and every day.